As the car door closed, he murmured, "This is getting too dangerous for both of us."

an affair

as the car door closes he murmured “this is getting too dangerous for the two of us, she’s going to find out about us.”

he looked pale and anxious like his darkest secret had just come to light.

we only kissed twice. i didn’t mean to ruin a marriage.

“you started this, and you never told me you had a wife.” i said calmly.

“yet it never bothered you.” he moves closer to me, trying to touch me. he knew i could never resist him. its like he always sensed i had feelings for him deep down.

“yet it never stopped you when you came to my door crying, putting your lips on mine.”

“be a man and tell her or it’s over.”

he was left sitting there with a choice of who he was going to lose as i leant over and opened the door.

he was never going to pick me in the first place, i thought as he left my car. leaving me to deal with the fact it was never me. always her.

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