Life without you

With great love came great loss

and I find myself in my head reminiscing about all the moments we have had

Every burst of laughter, every tear shedded, every hurtful words spoken, every good day we’ve had

how I’m in construction building myself back up after destruction

Life without you is freedom with no peace

from plantation to segregation

I am able to breathe but choke on every other inhale

*deep breath*



No practice of meditation can make you swim out of my mind

so I swim to the bottom of the depths of the deep waters

Where pressure is pounding at my head

where my throat is clogging and my fragile body seems to be getting weaker

Because I’m not ready to see the world without you

im not ready to achieve and not see you in the crowd applauding

I couldn’t seem to get over the pain you have caused me because it never ended with that

so any mistake after or any broken promise always led back to that one individual

I couldn’t bare the thought that I embarrassed myself to everyone by taking one back just to not last

Just for you to tell me you’re ready to move on

So I hurt you back

and i’ll always live with that guilt and sorrow

For I will always pray that we have any type of relationship in the future

for I feel like my life is on pause until then

Because life without you… is not life at all

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