Ancient artefacts

“Of course,” Humphrey said flatly, “let’s go down the creepy staircase.”

“Alright!” Henri said brightly. “Pass me that torch.”

Humphrey did so begrudgingly. “Well, I can’t go down there.” He gestured vaguely to his thickly bandaged foot.

Henri didn’t reply. She was already halfway down the stairs, Humphrey’s complaints fading in the distance.

Her eyes grew wide in the gloom, marvelling at the thickness of the dust on the steps, each creak a symphony to her ears.

This was what she’d signed up for. Discovery. Adventure - shadows shifted beyond her torchlight.


“You alright down there?” Humphrey hollered.

“Just peachy!” Henri replied. “Don’t wait on my account. Go. Rest your ankle.” She stepped deeper into the dark. “I’m fine.”

She heard Humphrey tutting, but the further she went, the quieter he became. Then she was standing at the bottom of the stairs and all she could hear was her own heartbeat.

If the darkness seemed to be moving before, now it was positively writhing. Henri was almost glad she’d yet to unpack her camera - this felt like a solitary discovery.

The torchlight caught stacks of moth-eaten furniture and half-varnished cabinets. A treasure-trove of ancient artefacts.

Henri tiptoed through the underground room, practising her best ‘archeological find of the century’ moves.

The gasp, one hand clutched to her chest.

The whispers of delight, speculations of eras and periods.


“I’m coming!”

“Humphrey!” Henri cursed, dropping her torch in surprise. The light flicked once and then extinguished.

The stairs groaned in protest, their sweet song shattered, as Humphrey cluttered down them.

“Thought I heard you cry for help,” he said by way of explanation. “Damn, it’s dark down here.”

For that, Henri was glad - it meant Humphrey couldn’t see the tongue she’d stuck out at him.

“You made me drop the torch.” She sunk to her knees with a sigh, patting the ground. “Feel free to help me find it.”

“Ah,” Humphrey said in that level voice of his that signalled a lecture was coming, “I’d love to, but what with my ankle-“ He broke off with a yelp. “Something just touched my foot!”

“That would be me, Humphrey.”

“Oh. Well… carry on.”

Henri just managed to suppress a groan.

Clearly, the adventure was over for now.

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