Meet Cute

Caitlin: September 5

Today was the first day of school. I met so many interesting people, most of which were nice. The school is huge and has so many hallways! I got lost on my way to my third period. But to my luck, a boy was late to class and he walked me all the way across school. I didn’t catch his name because he didn’t really talk at all. Anyways, I hope I can find my classes tomorrow! XOXO

Aaron: September 5

Classes started up again. The same students roamed the school, all eager to learn and make friends. I avoided all of them, this isn’t a surprise. However, I did meet the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. She has short curly hair and the most vibrant green eyes I’ve ever seen. She was lost, obviously new to the school. I could tell that she was a bit embarrassed, her cheeks were pink. I couldn’t even work up the nerve to talk to her while I lead her to her class. I just felt like everything I could say wouldn’t impress her. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll find a way to talk to her. I’ve got to.

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