'Thank you. For nothing.'

Include this sentence in a story or poem. Use this opportunity to explore different aspects of emotion, and what may lead your characters to this sentence.


They say everything will be ok And some say that they won’t Why should I listen to what people say? It doesn’t matter if I don’t This is life Yes, I’m aware But that doesn’t mean I don’t have a right to be scared People insane, people on drugs Humans sticking to things they love And I’m just in a corner alone; eyes shut, knees bent Because everything is not a dove The world is shit Full of shitty politicians Full of shitty people Full of shitty rich people who have nothing to do but to watch people suffer I’m tired I’m so tired And I know the world is going to get worse I just hope that God is real, that he destroys this world I don’t care about myself I know I’ll go to hell Just get it over with Spare my family Because I know that I’m going to die soon Whether by a gun A car A missile An atomic bomb My sheets It’s going to be soon And I can’t wait So world, Person who created me **Thank you. For nothing.** *** _(I’m honestly fine. Just worried about our country—the dividing lines. The manipulation. The trickery. The corruption of powerful individuals. How did the world come to this?_ _When is it going to end? Why did I have to be born to live this? _ _I just wanna go to sleep.)_
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