Rope And Tree

School is stress

Homework is anxiety

Kids are bullies

Making me work everyday to survive the prison sentence

Forced to live 4 years in a penitentiary

Cramming information down my through

Having the memorize and recite

Testing and quizzing on useless informational

Walking through the halls is a trap

Needing to blend with the crowd of hopeless

Feeling like prey to the top dogs

Trying to avoid them

But my stems have failed

Day after day then pummel me to a pulp

Not wanting to repeat the cycle over and over

Lost hope

Nothing left for me to do but bottle up the feelings

Hide the bruises and scars

Lock swag in my room

Listen to the depressed

Cut the lines

Plan the end

In secret gathering supplies

1 room

1 chair

1 rope

1 me


Writing a letter

Saying goodbye

Hiding his all in the closet

Not wanting to be stopped

Wanting it all to end

The pain

The agony

The building

The perfect moment approaching

I am ready

I am done

Tying the rope

Hanging it

Getting the chair

Placing the letter on the table

Stepping up

One foot

Two feet on the chair

Closing my eyes and taking the last breath

Placing my head in the loop

Opening my eyes

Seeing a child in front of me

A little girl

A little me

An angle of healing

Standing in front of me

Telling me not to give up

Not listening shouting my eyes tight

About to sort off the chair

Hearing a noise

A scream downstairs

Ignoring it

Wanting it all to be over

Doing it taking the step


Losing consciousness

Waking up

Hearing the beep of the hospital machines

Monitored to be alive

Given a second chance

Taking that chance and throwing it away

Leveling getting to my car

Going home and stuffing pills down

Passing out

Having an out of body experience

Seeing myself rushed to the hospital once again

Waking up knowing nothing is working

Not allowed to leave the building I walk around

I see all the patients




The only teen

Walking more

Seeing a wired door that leads to another building

Going through it

Seeing a bunch of children

That are sick that are all alone

Facing hard and horrible disease

Seeing them on there own

So far from home

Little children sitting in separate rooms

After seeing this I get hope for myself

Seeing a new view in life

These kids are facing hardships but have smiles on their faces

Having fun and living while they still can

I see try and think I need to live long because they can’t

I should not waist my life

I must live for them

Living on knowing life is still happy

Even if it sucks

There is still a point of living

A reason

A purpose

To stay alive

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