Submitted by Cara

“My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness as they pushed their way open. Pockets of sweat bubbled above my brow as I desperately searched for familiarity. It was then I realised, I was trapped.

Start to a short story with a crime/hostage themed prose.

A hostage...this couldn’t be good!

My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness as they pushed their way open. Pockets of sweat bubbled above my brow as I desperately searched for familiarity. It was then I realised, I was trapped. I had a headache, but it didn’t feel like one of those normal ones it was spreading and getting more painful I tried to focus my eyes on every individual detail around the room to see if anything clicked and I would remember. But nothing did and the more I realised this I started to panic and then the pain in my head was getting more unbearable by the second.

Come on watching all of those crime and mystery movies 24/7 had to be some use right now. I thought to myself as I started to try and remember all of those strategies the hostages in those movies used to get out of these tight situations. Quite literally, these ropes were really squeezing me. As I focused my mind on the ropes wrapped around my fragile figure I realised that they were actually getting tighter every second. This couldn’t be good...

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