Art by Sandeep Karunakaran

Using this image as inspiration, write about an adventure that begins with a terrifying leap.

A Desperate Dessert

Alex karina and max are walking areound the dessert it had been miles withought food or water the were in desperate need of an oasis.max was a little bit over dramatic but this time he was ent overreacting he fell to the ground and started eating the sand,he could have thought it was food or water or anything for that matter. “oh my gosh Alex are you ok” worried karina Alex and karina ran over to help him “hey why are we even here?” Asked Alex Karina shrugged and rushed back to help max

Alex and max were brothers so Alex assumed he was being over dramatic but still helped him.They couldn’t remember how they got there or even the reason why they were just there and they needed desperate help as max began to get up he touched karinas arm for help with stability but the whimpered in pain he let go of her arm and realizes that her arm was bleeding “oh Karina I’m sorry did i hurt you?” Max said apologetically the walked and walked until they found the holy grail a water faucet and a bucket beside it they ran of to the water and drank from the fountain they were so happy that they were able to drink water they felt somewhat revived the began there journey on to be able to go home.but then all of the sudden a rumble came from the ground the sand drifted into a ginormous hole erupted from it was a skull made out a sand as it was sucking the sand it was pulling them too “give me the girl and you will return home.” Bargained the sand skull she looked at them and agreed but max was so eager for a burger he began to push her in “what are you doing are you cycle something Max? She’s our friend we can’t just throw her in there.” Said Alex max was horrified for how he acted and jumped into the sand hole they screamed after him but now, how much depleted he still jumped “ it’s not the girl, but it will do.” set the sand monster, as you said that he was pleased, and returned to the ground after the sand monster has been subdued they are flashback to their home, and were able to be out of that terrifying and dreadful dessert The next day they mourn over there, following Friend fallen brother

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