I Wish

I wished that I were dead

No really, I did

When life has kicked you in the ribs

One too many times

It’s easy to decide

You’ve had enough

Though the weight of responsibility

Keeps your death wish just that

A wish


You wake up to a howlling

Like a symphony of mourners

In an eerie moonlit graveyard

Shrouded by the fog of night

All around you you see faces

Ghostly pale and translucent

And you realize you are one of them

The leftovers of a life

Passed away

But the peace I had imagined

When my soul had left my body

Was no where to be found among

These tortured spirits here

Each one wailing to the stars

Their heartaches and regrets

The things they’ll never get to finish

Apologies they’ll never say

Though they try to leave the graveyard

The gate is thick and mighty

Even ghosts cannot escape the bars

That bind our souls in here

I bang against the metal

Watching cars pass just outside them

Shouting for a passerby

To open up the gates for me

But alas they cannot hear me

My voice is in a new dimension

Far from the body it left

Deep within the earth

Guilt here rests upon me

Remembering that foolish wish

A last resort to end my pain

Had only brought me more

Now forsaken in this graveyard

For what must be forever

Where no mortal man can see me

Only feel my distant longing

And I beat upon the gate once more

Crying up to the unforgiving moon

I want to live

I want to live


I wish I was alive

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