
The unsettling thoughts flooded my mind, relentless as hail on a tin roof. Sleep was impossible. I tossed and turned until finally, I jolted upright and stared down at David. He lay beside me, cocooned in the warmth of his slumber. He seemed so innocent when he slept, almost childlike. I gazed at his soft features—his cold black hair that lazily flopped around his ears, the bushy eyebrows I always teased him about but secretly adored, and the deep ridge that defined his perfect, plump lips—lips I’ve kissed a thousand times.

Suddenly, a dreadful feeling slithered through me like a snake. How many other women had those lips kissed? How many other hands had caressed that face? How many other naked bodies had those beautiful blue eyes wandered across? I shook my head furiously and blinked the tears from my eyes. No. I wouldn’t believe it. I couldn’t.

As if he could somehow read my mind, David open his eyes sleepily and yawned. “You OK, babe? ‘’ his voice was soft. Caring, as it always was. Deep lines of worry crinkled his face, and for a moment, he seemed genuine. But I knew him too well.

I forced a smile, nodding weekly. “Just fine, my love. ‘’


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