Write a poem about a physical journey that you have been on.
Explore the tangible aspects of a journey you have been on, and how these physical characteristics may have impacted mental and spiritual aspects of the journey too.
self hatred driven to insanity.
scars & burns on the outside, a humourous comparison to the damage on the inside.
institutions & psychiatric holds, do nothing to help my troubled mind.
all ive ever needed is something i cannot find.
discouraged, delusional & psychotic... possessed by darkness all around.
no one ever cared enough to show me the light.
i was not worthy.
this exigent perception grew into disbelief.
love was not real & even if it were, it was not meant for me.
maybe im meant to suffer, for reasons unclear at the present time.
maybe im a terrible person & just too heedless to be defined.
ive caused heartache to the people that love me the most; contradictory: the same people who have never given me the compassion or support that i so desperately need.
why spill your beans when you cant clean them up?
why have a relationship with the enemy?
who are my enemies?
who are my friends?
im alone now.
tangled up with the realization that, my biggest enemy lives inside of me.