Inspired by FreeFly

The Dreadful Silence

Write a poem that could have this as its title or main theme.

The Dreadful Silence


Lips moving

No speaking

Cars colliding

No immediate reaction to help

Birds flapping their wings

Yet I can't hear a thing

What torture it is

Without my hearing aides

Kids crying for their moms

Couples laughing holding hands

Yet I feel so alone

In a world without sound

Whereas others have no issues

And it all seems so profound

They mistake silence for rudeness

When silence is all I have

How can I be comfortable with sound

When I try to speak my words just don’t come out

I can only imagine how it sounds

Please be patient with me somehow


This poem is inspired by the deaf community and one my family members who wears a hearing aide due to extremely low hearing. I am not deaf nor do I claim to fully understand it, but this is my interpretation of it. I hope I did it some justice. IMO sign language should be taught in all schools.

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