by Sans @ DeviantArt

Write a thriller or horror story based on this image.
Caught By A Ring
The sleek shadow raced after her, singing haunting tunes with the wind’s help.
The fire in the lateen fluttered, as if it was near death of burning out.
Mud soaked the bottom of Stela’s white nightgown.
She had to get away.
“Come sweet Stela, come sweet home;
_We await your return _
To the empty bone throne…”
The shadows whispered sweet words, attempting to steer Stela away from escaping.
Thunder rolled and flashes of lightning gave shape to the shadow.
It was a man, tall, strong, and pale with beauty.
Stela tried to keep from asking herself questions, for fear they would interrupt her escaping.
With a sudden whoosh, rain began pelting her nightgown, and the voices began singing once more:
“The girl with the auburn hair
Our master finds so fair!
Tonight you’ll come with thee
To seal the fate with he!”
The rain poured now and her latern was close to dying. “Please,” she whispered. Her feet were getting tired and with one sudden flash of lightning, her latern went dark and she was left alone in the dark abyss. A tree branch caught her foot and she fell to the muddy ground. She could feel the shadow make haste and stand before her. Another flash of lightning completed the man’s image. He had black hair, pale skin, and crimson red eyes. “Hello,” he said, showing off his fangs. He reached down to give Stela a hand and said, “Let’s go home, shall we?” Before Stela could fully respond, she reached her hand and found a sparkling ring on her finger. With the cold touch of the man she knew was a vampire, darkness flooded around her and brought her to a throne room, decorated for a wedding. “See you in the morrow for our wedding,” the man said with a smirk.