Write a story about a retired villain.

What is their life like now, and how might their previous career affect their retirement? You don't have to write about a superhero-style villian; it can be any character with a villianous career.

On hold

I had enemies, of course. What villain doesn’t? Unfortunately, mine took the form of sunshine,

which made her remarkably difficult to foil. I am, after all, a creature of darkness.

But I am also an optimist. And I’ll be damned if I let her get to me.

That is why I’m here.

As I stealthily make my approach, I hear her chatting and mentally brace myself for her verbal onslaught.

If she’s talking to someone, does that mean she has reinforcements?

But it’s not until I draw closer that I can discern her words.

‘… absolutely not. No. It’s like I told the other guy, I ordered the food from your restaurant, and it

never arrived!’

I round the corner of the rooftop as she says this, grinning from ear to ear.

She’s all alone.

She cradles her phone close as she strides back and forth along the rooftop, back, and forth, completely oblivious to my arrival.

I waver on the balls of my feet, still concealed in shadow, debating whether or not to announce


In the end, she sees me, raising a ring-laden hand in an absent greeting before diverting her attention back to her phone conversation.

‘You will not put me on hold again mister!’

I grin even wider, if that’s even possible.

Now I can have some fun.

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