
I cannot look in mirrors, I’d turn myself to stone.

I find it’s rather important, though, to see what is your own.

You glide above the clouds, while I’m lurking underneath. No one ever told me that heroes had sharp teeth.

I’ve seen so much down here that would make a mother cry.. I’ve shown so many people the realities of your lies.

It’s hard to save them all at once… I try putting others first.

They see me as a threat, a monster with a thirst.

But I thirst for something that many monsters do. Justice and equality, to have it just like you.

You splay out in your ivory tower, up amongst the stars. How’s the view from up on top? Do you know it‘s rightfully ours?

We should all share the glory, the comfort and the fame. How unfortunate we are to not have power and a last name.

So I’ve begun to build a ladder, so we can see the top.

Many have now joined me, revolutions are hard to stop.

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