Write a poem that focuses on the theme of imagination.

You could think about the role of imagination itself, or just get really creative and write your own imaginative poem.

Lost In The Woods

Not all who wander are lost -

I remind myself frequently

I’m wandeding - growing, evolving

I can find the way back, the path not taken won't lead me astray

Time is a concept, so I should be fine

I'm not lost, repeat it until I believe it

Self delusional can be a mastered theme

Convince yourself you're alright

The pain can't suffocate you

You're not alone - the phrase repeated daily

Silence is destructive when you're losing your mind

Forward, forward, forward

The only direction to go

Shadows in every corner - remorse, shame, fear

Just tell yourself the monsters aren't real

And when you're ready -

You can admit you lied

You lost yourself in the woods, alone and confused

It was going to happen eventually

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