If victory had a literal taste, it would taste like…
If Victory Had A Taste It Would Be…
If Victory had a taste
It woulf be oranges
Bright and cheery
Sweet with a taste of bitterness
Refreshing and familiar
not rare but cherished
loved by some
hated by many
If victory had a taste it woulf be oranges
Layers of flavor
Complex yet understandable
The ability to learn and grow from it
In Different shapes snd sizes
So many forms
If victory had a tatse
it would be oranges
Comments 2
I’m in the category of “hated by many.” Great poem as always, though I would like to ask: what made you think of oranges exactly? I see your metaphor, but my not bananas or something of the sort?
I honestly don’t know but oranges are bright and sweet, bit can be bitter and dull.