Write a poem about an awakening - it could be literal or metaphorical.
The Lost Me
My eyes slowly opening to catch the daylight
My soul slowly closing, hiding in shadows
My Heart slowly crumbling like dry leaves
Every day just the same
Good Morning
Good Night
But when am I supposed to live?
From the moment I open my eyes in the morning
Awaking from my sweet little dreams
Snatched from my peace
Forced to awake in the reality
A life I’ve never chosen
I have to perform
I have to wear a mask
But still it’s never enough
Always good never the best
Always helping never helped
Always loving never loved
Always admiring but never admired
Like I would live in the dark
In deep spooky shadows
Where no light finds a friend
Untouched from warmth and stillness
Far away from any peace and hope
Snatched from life
I have to meet everyone’s expectations
Even if that means I have to act like someone else
Someone I don’t want to be
But someone society expects
But still I have to be happy to live and be myself
Even if that „me“ doesn’t exist anymore
There’s just that made up version
Just a little sketch
Drawn and designed by everyone but me
I have to go to sleep with hope in my chest
Even if, in reality, I never want to wake up again
Just sink into my own invented world
Far away from all the pain and hate
Created by the people who truly fear it