Submitted by Butterfly Queen

Write a poem that centres around one of the elements: fire, water, earth, or wind.

It could be descriptive or metaphorical.


I feel so connected to you

The breeze that is always running right through me

Wind, cool, and fresh breeze

The tall green trees, I sit next to thee, allowing them to take away this negativity I desperately don’t need

Connection, I feel so close to you

Tree hugger, it may seem weird to you, but to me I feel free

Loose leaf, just like the ones in fall

Connection, to the air element, I’ve mentioned that breeze

Yoga positions, that keep me sacred

Even closer to the ground, grounded

Connection, the seasons change year round

But with this connection I feel you everyday

Connection to the air, water, and sun, there’s never a day that doesn’t take my breathe away

Staying connected to mother, keeps me free


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