Dysmorphic Escapism

(Sorry this is crappy and I’ve barely written lately but I just felt like trying to express things somehow, oh and Tw for Ed’s don’t trigger yourself)

Wanderlust used to haunt me

Wanting to see the world

In all its beauty


Wanting to fix it

Pick up the broken pieces

Put them together once more


I saw you

I met you

I got to know you

You made me feel like even though

The world was falling apart

Still is

Things would be ok, with you

And in a way they are

But wanderlust has come back

This time for my soul

Let me escape from the mundane going ons

In this fat suit

Let me find different places to explore

In the highs of starvation

You want to give me the world

The fucked up

Burning world

Though you would rather shelter me

But I want neither

I just want skeletal

Skinny is no longer enough

Limits of 2000, 2 meals is not enough

It’s all bullshit

I want to stop eating forever

And you can’t stop me.

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