After The Storm
Using any form of poetry, write about an emotion as if it were a storm.
The Next Storm Begins..
I’m walking down the street
As the rain comes down
It feels like hail
I keep my hood on
Till it started coming down it’s hardest
Once I am drenched
I let the tears roll down my face
Only I can see and tell
What is rain and what is tears
Once I start I cannot stop
For the rain hiding the tears it allows me to keep crying
No one will hear through the thunder
No one can tell what I’m feeling
I keep my sorrow in the rain
So I can stay hidden as I cry my tears run deep
Now it all comes back my past
It’s traumatizing all the memories that I tried to forget
They come raining down on me like nothing else ever has
I’m this moment may all the good memories vanish
All I feel is the pain in my head and heart
Tis is where I cannot move as I start feeling stif and numb
May there be a way to forget all this pain instead of keeping it all inside
Can I still change who I am
Or is this who I am deemed to be
I’m only 16 and it feels like this earth is cruel
There’s a lot of good people and good times but I haven’t had many
As the rain comes down I remember my past what I DID
Then comes what I seen and been through
No one can see my thoughts and pain
I smoke all the pain away like it never existed
I feel sorrow for myself as pain comes into my head faster and faster
It doesn’t stop this walk isn’t peaceful tis is painful may I ever forget my bad memories or does it deem who I become
Why am I so hurt why can’t I feel better
Well some people make the bad memories disappear
But the ones who do I want them forever may this happen
Or will they leave eventually
Will they actually stay by my side I may never forget what I have done and been through
But I always remember the ones who made me feel like life was good and sweet
This poem stops here as the rain starts messing up my typing typing is going blind may I clear my mind though these poems and let myself free all alone is the only time I can feel like this
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