'I should have known that meeting them would lead to something like this.'
Write a story that begins or ends with this line. Who does the character meet, and what leads to thinking or saying this?
I am Worthy
They’ll never accept me.
Though, I suppose I don’t even accept myself.
Not yet at least.
“You have to stop doing that.” Rowan remarks shaking his head.
“Doing what?”
Rowan huffs,
“Thinking you’re not enough. You just need some training. Come.”
I reluctantly get off the rock I’m sitting on and follow Rowan through the thick foliage.
My sword lays heavy on my side, but it’s no use to me. I don’t know how to wield a weapons or even…fight.
Rowan turns towards me, his dark hair shining in the afternoon sun.
“Kaida, your power abilities are already a weapon, but you may not always have them in disposal.”
I take off my vest, feeling the summer heat kicking in.
I stand in front of Rowan, “So today you’re teaching me how to fight?”
He nods his head and stands in a fighting stance.
I copy him.
He thrusts his fist forward then retreats.
“Copy my movements.”
And so I do.
For the next hour or so, I copy his movements like it’s a dance. Sweat and heavy breaths show my hard work.
When the sun is almost below the horizon, Rowan stops the training.
“You did good today, Kaida.”
I nod my head while drinking from a canteen.
“So what now?” I ask.
Rowan looks up and smiles.
“Now let me see your power.”
I shake my head, “Rowan, you know I can’t wield it.”
“Just try, Kaida.”
I close my eyes and focus on the humming power swirling within me.
I strain my focus and attempt to wield the ice that threatens to burst.
“Come on.” I whisper to myself, urging the power of ice to showcase itself.
My hands suddenly numb and and I can feel the power snake my arms.
I open my eyes at the sound of Rowan’s awe.
Ice flakes my hands.
“I knew you had the power.” Rowan says with a smirk.
“I can’t control it.”
“That’s why we are going to see the Iron Pearls. They will help you.”
Rowan looks at me with so much sincerity that I nod my head and begin to walk to the Iron Pearls.
When we reach a stone castle, small in size, but large in beauty, Rowan warns me.
“Now I’ve told you that the Iron Pearls are very strict and harsh, but don’t let them get to you. They’ll accept you, I know it.”
I take a breath and walk through the stone doors.
Three women with iron masks meet me at the entrance and nod for me to follow. I look behind and Rowan trails behind me.
I clench my fists to stop my shaking.
If the Iron Pearls refuse to accept me, I may never control my powers.
Seated in a cold room covered with symbols and artifacts, one of the woman with red hair speaks,
“Kaida the wielder of Ice, why dare step into the Iron Pearl?”
Anxiety creeps up on me, but Rowan grabs my hand.
He’s here, nothing and nobody can hurt me.
I look at the three women and confess,
“I am new to the powers that swirl inside of me. I do not know control or even understand the power.”
The woman with red hair tilts her head and questions with poison in her tone,
“You were gifted the power of ice and do not know control?”
The woman with golden blond hair and a scar down her left arm laughs,
“You are a weapon, yet you don’t know how to wield.”
The silent woman, with deep black hair shakes her head and says softly,
“Kaida you are dangerous, if you do not know control, and we cannot accept danger.”
No. No. No.
I need their help. They need to accept me.
I let the words out,
“Please, I need your help. I can prove I’m worthy of training.”
The Iron Pearls silently look at each other and nod in unison.
The woman with red hair gestures her arm and says,
“Show us what you are capable of Kaida.”
Rowan looks at me and nods.
He whispers,
“Show them what you can do.”
I close my eyes and find the power flowing through my veins. I catch it and force it out.
I let it trail between my finger and through the room.
I open my eyes to find trails of ice crystals dancing in the air.
And with a close of my fist, the ice crystals burst into small snowflakes.
“Impressive.” The woman with golden hair remarks.
“She is worthy.” The woman with black hair says with honor.
I am worthy!
The Iron Pearls stand and offer,
“Kaida, you will train with Rowan the wielder of Fire. We have gifted him the knowledge and skills. Go and make yourself something.”
We exit out of the stone door and into the night. Stars twinkle above.
I smile and twirl in the starlight.
I’m worthy.
I allow ice to swirl me into a dance.
Rowan laughs at the sight of my joy.
“I should have known that meeting them would lead to something like this.”