Our Roots

I looked out the window and watched the rain poor, it hit the glass as if it were intending to break it, I feared the rain…

I pulled myself out of my trance and walked down stairs to get a cup of hot chocolate that’s what I always did on rainy days.

I opened the drawer with the spoons and went over to the lazy Suzy to grab a glass.

“ Care to join me for a movie” mom asked. I jumped. She was never home. “No thanks I think ima just go to bed I’m kinda tired” I lied as I mustered a fake yawn, which actually drained me.

I put the powder into the cup. Walked over to the sink, and filled it with water. Then I walked to the microwave and put the cup in for 3:00.

While waiting for it to stop I sat on the counter and looked at mom cause it sounded like she was going to say something. She just sat on the couch her legs balled up to her chest facing sideways so she could see me, with a steaming cup of what I believed was coffee, looking like a blubber fish as she opened and closed her mouth.

“How was school?” She finally asked. I looked down at my legs. I couldn’t tell her about the boys that kept chasing me to the bathroom and occasionally grabbed my butt or boobs even after I push them away and tell them to stop.

I pushed my dark curly hair out of the way and said “fine”. Just at that moment the microwave beeped causing me to jump.

I slid off the counter in relief and grabbed my cup. “ I love you” mom whispered as I walked up to my room. “ you too” I replied walking the rest of the way up my stairs and shut my door behind me.

I took a sip of my hot chocolate and burnt my tongue so I slid my cup on the nightstand beside my bed and ate the brownie my friend got for me.

After I did that I slid my head phones on and stared at my roof as Rod Wave played in my ears. I cried.

I missed my da- No I couldn’t think of him.

Without noticing I drifted off to sleep.

“Dad!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed as I saw his body lie on the ground his blood smoking into the earth, the rain washing his blood into a river toward my feet.

I woke up screaming looking out my window where my dad had once died. I hated when I had those nightmares reliving everything that happened that night.

I took a deep breath and heard a pounding on the door downstairs, familiar to the ones that pounded the day of my dads death…

My heart skipped a beat, then raced like it had a birth defect.

The banging continued. “ Mom get the door” I yelled as I opened my door. No response. She must be with her boyfriend AGAIN. I hate how she replaced dad!

I ran down the stairs combing my fingers through my hair and fixing my shirt that was pulled up and my pants that were twisted.

I opened the door with a smile that soon faded when I saw who it was. Officer Koning great… My heart raced more and more until I collapsed. I felt my head on the floor than nothing.

I woke up in the hospital screaming “Daddy” on the top of my lungs. I looked around confused. I started yanking off all of the tubes when Officer Koning came in.

“Where is my mom?” I asked. He looked down and said in a pitiful tone “She’s gone”.

“Gone? Gone? No. No. I had just seen her Heathy and alive. They must have the wrong per-“

Officer Koning cut me off by pulling me on his arms “shhhhh” he said soothing me. Which made my tears flow heavier. I didn’t even tell her I loved her. I could have watched a movie with her.

I payed back my expression all gone I was confused. Officer Koning could clearly see that so he nodded and walked out of the room. When he got out I saw that the knife had fell out of his pocket.

I slit all the way up my wrist and thought “ I’m coming mom and dad. Nothing is as strong is our roots”.

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