Write a short story that includes a completed unexpected character.
Although the character may be unxpected, their part in the story still has to make sense!
Daddy’s Back In Town
She thought it would be an easy uneventful weekend. She had decided that Saturday would her day to cean her house from top to bottm. She prided herself on having a very cleaan and organized house. The rest of her life maybe very crazy and unorganized. She was always working crazy hours to get everything done, even if that means working a 13 hour day. Once she got done cleaning the house and was just about to sit done and relax there was a slow knock at the front door. Due to her living alone she does have a camera that over looks the front door. She pulls up the app only to realize that standing at her front door is the father she has not talked to in 10 years.
Sshe slowly swallows to try and settle her nreves. That did not work. She was not expecting to talk to her father aagain. She had sent him two certified cards trying to clear the slate. She had decided that she was done being disrespected. She grew up being told she was worthless and would not amount to anything. He even disrespected his own daughter when she was going through some hard times.
His daughter had been physically and emotionally abused by her ex. He did not give his own daughter any sympathy. He made the comment ‘You got what you deserve” At that point his daughter left and nevevr saw him again, until today when he showed up on her front door step. Lucky all the windows are closed. She can stay quiet and hope he will go away.
She does not want to face her father right now. But she is worried he can hear her heart beat through the door. Her heart is beating out of her chest. She stays perfetly still and watches him on camera.