Create a scene depicting the approach of a thunderstorm, without mentioning the sky.
What other elements feel different when a storm is approaching?
The Dark, Cold Night
Thunder struck as I rode on my old bike. Each corner was an obstacle. Muddy puddles met me at each corner. A musty aroma filled my nostrils. The cold harsh wind blew my curly hair onto my freckled face.
Thunder struck as I reached my front door. The rain pelted as I locked the door. My old rain boots left a trail of water as I leaped towards the couch. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the news forecast. “Tornado warning for Keaton county.” I knew that we were getting storms, but I didn’t expect it to be this bad.
I grabbed my emergency bag, and family portrait and headed towards the closet. Thunder shook my house violently. I breathed hastily and clung onto the photo. My parents were younger then. They bought this house with their hard earned money. I had promised them that I would take care of it, but now I wasn’t so sure.
Suddenly, there was silence. I felt as if I moved, the storm would worsen. The silence only lasted for a moment, but it seemed like minutes had gone by. I closed my weary eyes for a moment and embraced the silence. All of a sudden, the walls of my house began to shake, and the closet door flew open. A prayer escaped my lips as the wind broke down the door. I crawled into a fetal position and braced for impact.
Harsh howling winds flew through each room of my house. Crisp cold air blew onto my face. The breeze entranced every crevice on my face. After suffering for a moment, the razor sharp winds had finally seized. I opened my eyes to a new house. My bed was in my living room, and my new couch was nowhere to be found. It seemed like a train had crashed through my house.