
3 days

November 20th 2023

72 hours

4,320 minutes till complete “freedom”

Free to do what?

Free to think for myself?

Free to make my own decisions?

Free to drink ?

Free to smoke ?

Free to live ?

Free to fall into the hands of dirty adults who “know how to help”


Everything I’ve wanted since i was 12

The word seems foreign,

never have I had the luxury of relying on myself

Others will still try to belittle me

“Im an adult”

The idea terrifies me

Just yesterday I was 14

Four years ago I was 14

Playing games

Stayying in, away from the disease the adults called life.

I envied my friends, getting to grow up, allowed to leave the hole of a town we live in

I hated that they left me here

Left me alone to dwell in the pity of their thoughts

Im guilty, im going to leave my friends here, under the criticizing eyes of their peers.

Im going to get my well deserved freedom

My life

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