Create a poem surrounding the theme 'Fact or Fancy?'

What meanings does this phrase bring to mind?

I’m An Oracle

Black and white.

This or that.

My brain writes me fiction,

But I take it as fact.

I’m an oracle, mind reader,

And a prophet in one.

To protect me from hurt,

So the pain can be done.

They used to laugh, turn their shoulders,

And make me sit out.

So I built armor by predicting,

What they’re thinking about.

Because I know what they’re thinking:

I suck, I’m the worst.

But it stings so much less,

If I degrade myself first.

So I fortune-tell gladly,

From my big crystal ball.

To confirm that they’ll hate me,

Though I did nothing at all.

And while it has crossed my mind,

That this could potentially be,

An unproductive move.

A self-fulfilling prophecy.

I’ve gotten some safety,

From holding up this lead shield.

So it’s hard to give up,

The prophetic power I wield.

I know mind reading hurts me,

But I can’t stop myself yet.

Because there’s still a shunned girl inside me,

I ache to protect.

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