The favourite child

The favourite child has never been me. I’ve been the middle child mistreated and forgotten. I believe my younger sister is the favourite , she has much less rules and restrictions on life than I did at her age, allowed to the park on her own when I was humiliated in front of my friends for doing so, gets the most expensive clothes and shoes. My older sister is on par for the favourite, she’s definitely the favourite of my grandparents , got private education all her life , taken on extravagant holidays and never had anything less , me on the other hand , I had to step aside at a young age , look after my younger sister , moved house on my birthdays , never had a party , never had everything paid for , got my first job aged 15 to start paying my way. I don’t think I’ll ever be the favourite child , more the Cinderella of the family. However I’m the smartest so I will make my family proud one day , they’ll see who the favourite child really is.

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