
He is fast, moving like the speed of light

It’s hard to resist, hard to reject it like a drug feeding on or emotions. We welcome it even though we are all aware of the effects it has on us.

With him comes fogginess, large dark clouds obstruct our minds and hearts, soon it’s hard to see the world for what it really is, the thick air contorting it into a nightmare.

Him and his aura fills the air around us discreetly but intentionally suffocating us.

It’s painful, but we remain silent, maybe we deserve it.

This venom is self hate

Hating all of ourselves mentally physically and emotionally

It start small kind of like a child, the people around us and others being the sperm and the egg causing this baby to be produced and eventually be birthed

The only difference being that the latter is positive

We feed this self hate with sadness and low self-esteem these being the vitamins and protein it needs to grown healthy and strong. As time goes on it’s a teenager, fastidious uncontrollable and loud. It’s purpose it block out the rest of the world.

Mission accomplished.

We forget the things we used to love which loved us, friends, hobbies, family, nature.

This new found loneliness allows the teenager to grow into an adult, a secure individual looking to start a family

However this will not be any ordinary family, the children will be depression, anxiety, anger. Again they start to grow.

We are starting to grow too we also become adults, the fogginess gets too thick, it’s hard to proceed we backtrack.

Family and friends are there pulling us away from the autumn and the chill guiding us into the spring.

We were lucky not all can escape, the family of doom leaves to infest another, will they survive it?

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