My large paws padded slowly and steadily grazing the ground. The majestic long brown body adorned with jet black strikes gifted to me hung low almost touching the dry soil and brown grass, the perfect camouflage to make a catch. I inhaled the smell of the air before victory, patiently waiting for the right time to make the next step. I hunted more for the trill and adrenaline it gave me than for the fact that I needed it for survival. The sheer emotion that hunting provided me was much like the one of drugs that humans loved so much, I was addicted to something good.
My amber eyes glow darker at the site of the delicious meal, my mesmerizing tail wiggling discreetly at the adventure. she, oblivious ate the dead glass that had lost its pigment.
The stripped horse munched on the dry grass and I held back an almost instinctive gag; how could these idiots limit themself to dirty grass that probably tasted like a mistake. But blood, blood on the other hand was metallic, thick and sweet, so watched her eat, let her enjoy her last meal before she was teared into shreds by my long large sharp canines.
Realizing it was time, my wide paws move closer, and then closer. She ate immersed in her meal unaware of her surroundings, then them bam. I jumped sinking my canines into her rear leg, my thorn like claws digging into her other wanting to feel the bone, wanting to see the blood. She attempted to run to no avail, her body quivered and a high pitched bray for help resonated through the almost vacuum of the Savanaa. Sinking my canines once more in her torso her noise mellowed down and so did her body. The blood oozed from the puncture holes dirtying her black and white fur. I signed looking at my conquest, the sun kissing my orange and black fur, as if congratulating me, my alpha pride releasing a low purr of accomplishment at the latest capture. I padded around my dinner and then finally digging into my meal I sighed, can’t wait to go hunting again.
There is no moment like the one where you are left speechless. Where mind and heart become silent, we all never expected it. There is nothing like the moment when everything you believed in slaps you violently in the face. Where you become a fool for ever trusting. That moment evil laughs at its triumph and loyalty cries at its gullibility. When anger boils crawling up slowing, but wait maturity stops and pushes it down, there is no need to lose face, no need to show we were affected. You have been played by betrayal, used like a harmonica for its vile plans and vicious schemes.
That short bastard sure does love to torture, break and announce its presence. That insatiable monster loves the feeling of helplessness it gives to people. He sure does thrive in the heart of the weak the heart of the object. It loves the feeling and response it got from using you to betray me. We were both puppets in the hands of the kings of the cards - betrayal.
His hair, long dark and shiny kind of like the colour of liquorish, I despise the sweet but I’ll give it another try just for him. He is so bad for me. Like a tall apple tree he tempts me tantalizing me with those insatiable and succulent healthy red apples, I reach for it but somehow I never seem to even graze it. Why do you like keeping me on my tip toes? Foolish me, still attempt so reach for this impossible ideology, he is not yours let him go. Tell me boy, do you like to play with my emotions? It’s funny I’m making him look like the villain but really he doesn’t even know how I feel, the emotional tsunami that he unconsciously puts me through. He’s salt and I’m sugar we don’t mix but in my dreams we have done more than just mixing. This is the state of lack of control he put me in, I hate it but can’t live without it. I’m forever craving him, like junk food, in this war of self control he always wins, here I am again burger in hand fries on the side ready to devour it all and still not be satisfied. Boy you have me hanging on seconds of pleasure and years of pain that will one day result in my demise. But don’t worry I like it.
The car roared to a stop parking at the side of reasonably short road. The July sun beaming intensively down however the trees shaded me like they had done two decades ago. The petite houses seemed to had aged as well; it appeared that the England weather had also taken a tool on them. The once vibrant brown walls of the house had turned dark with moose creeping up the sides. Ahead waited what had been my second home. The tall gates still as black and shiny as I remembered them. Slipping on the sunglasses I walked up to it, inhaling the scent of Coulsdon, damn it had been long. A sign stood at the gate; “welcome back class of 2019.” The doors laid open without a second doubt I stepped in an overwhelming sense of the past making me stagger. ‘You have got to be kidding me. Is that you Dorcas.’ I flinched at the name, yeah they don’t know I am not Dorcas anymore. I turned around facing a familiar face, her protruding stomach made me stop my advances. ‘Clementine, you look stunning. How are you?’ Pregnancy suited her, her rounded stomach making her appear petite. ‘No, look at you Dorcas, you did go through your growth spurt after all.’ At that I laughed, it was true though during university God apologized by giving me the height I had been missing, ‘Yeah it happened a bit late don’t you think?’ I responded not bothering to correct her ‘Well better late than never.’ She said falling into steps with me. ‘True that Clem true that.’ Arrows directed us to the site of meeting, by the looks of it, it seemed like we were meeting at the sixth form area, the grass surrounding it was filled with familiar faces but aged or maybe matured. ‘Come on let’s go meet the other.” Said Clemmie waddling off to the left closest to the gate leading into the Sixth form building, -this is where I collected my GCSE results. I knew who it was before they turned around but it was still hard to believe, Misha and Paulina, again after the termination of school you could say I attempted to keep in touch, but it was a rather weak attempt. Feeling awkward and uncomfortable I let Clementine do the talking, ‘Guess who I met at the gate.’ I smiled as it seemed like the right thing to do. The two started gushing over many things, I responded when it seemed necessary. I found out that Paulina did indeed become a police officer and she is looking to apply to be a detective soon, her aim is eventually becoming a sergeant. Misha on the other hand had become a dentist, it paid well she said. Mingling continued until late unable to take anymore awkward chatter I excused myself. Woodcote had been fun but that chapter of myself ended when I picked up my results and it cannot be forced open.
He is fast, moving like the speed of light It’s hard to resist, hard to reject it like a drug feeding on or emotions. We welcome it even though we are all aware of the effects it has on us. With him comes fogginess, large dark clouds obstruct our minds and hearts, soon it’s hard to see the world for what it really is, the thick air contorting it into a nightmare. Him and his aura fills the air around us discreetly but intentionally suffocating us. It’s painful, but we remain silent, maybe we deserve it. This venom is self hate Hating all of ourselves mentally physically and emotionally It start small kind of like a child, the people around us and others being the sperm and the egg causing this baby to be produced and eventually be birthed The only difference being that the latter is positive We feed this self hate with sadness and low self-esteem these being the vitamins and protein it needs to grown healthy and strong. As time goes on it’s a teenager, fastidious uncontrollable and loud. It’s purpose it block out the rest of the world. Mission accomplished. We forget the things we used to love which loved us, friends, hobbies, family, nature. This new found loneliness allows the teenager to grow into an adult, a secure individual looking to start a family However this will not be any ordinary family, the children will be depression, anxiety, anger. Again they start to grow.
We are starting to grow too we also become adults, the fogginess gets too thick, it’s hard to proceed we backtrack. Family and friends are there pulling us away from the autumn and the chill guiding us into the spring.
We were lucky not all can escape, the family of doom leaves to infest another, will they survive it?