I’ve been waiting a long time for grade 12 to finally arrive so i can finally be done with all of this, and now that summer is about to end and i have 16 days till i start my senior year …i do not want graduate I really don’t
I do not want to grow up
It’s scary and you might disagree with what im about to say but I can’t tell the difference between excitement and fear
This reminded me of my teacher in freshmen year telling me to do my presentation scared rather than ready and i did. Even though my hands were shaking i got it done.
When will i stop being scared?
The same teacher would ask us every week the amount of things we failed at and if you didnt fail at anything he would be disappointed. Why are we scared to do something wrong that’s we dont start at all
I used to crochet a while back but i stopped because I wasn’t perfect at it. It’s really a shame because im not gonna lie to you and tell you practice makes perfect it doesn’t because perfect practice makes progress.
Maybe i need to start failing more and you probably should too.