Pain makes me seek a refuge
Write a free verse that includes this in it. Free verse poetry is free from limitations of regular meter or rhythm, and does not rhyme.
Only Ever Dependent
Push me to the ground
And run over my bones.
I’ll get up broken with cracks
And thank you.
Kill me with your words
And take away my dignity
I’ll cry and for the truth
I thank you.
Use me like a puppet
And tear off all my limbs
In my broken state all I can do
Is thank you.
Make me dependent on you
When my pain becomes to much
All I know to do
Is thank you.
Break me to the point
There’s nothing besides you
Then all I have left
Is to thank you.
(Found this in my drafts, which in fact accumulates over 200 incomplete story’s. Don’t ask how I’ll finish them all, because I won’t in this life time.)