obnoxiously adorable

the blink of your eyes

your lips curving up

the corners of your eyes doing the same

your lips parting

going to make a sound, but you hold back

I blink and blush, turning away so you don’t see

you grin, beaming

lines form on your face, your cheeks

the hair on my skin prickles

your smile turns into a laugh

as you throw your head back

an obnoxious but somehow adorable sound

comes out of that mouth

and those lips

which close shut just as quick

and there I sit

holding in my own laugh

waiting to get another chance

to swiftly turn and catch a glance of you

as your attention is diverted

to see your lashes on your eyes that blink

the pink, pillowy lusciousness of your lips

that curve up when you catch me

drowning in your oceans of eyes

and longing to see you throw your head back

kicking your legs with joy

and laugh that beautiful, obnoxiously adorable laugh.

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