Submitted by Lockitt Mobby
Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.
The Scarlet Warlock
“I didn’t want to believe it , but there’s just too much evidence”
Melissa’s hands have gone clammy as her tears have soaked her palms from her hands covering her face out of shame
“Please , John, just be honest with me, and then you might actually have a shred of saving any sort of relationship we might still have”
Johns head races , knowing he has a chance to save his relationship with his wife , but in doing so puts the entire mission at risk of being compromised. John sits down at the kitchen table, opposite from Melissa and caves to her
“I’m not cheating on you, I promise. There’s a reason that I’m not there when you wake up in the middle of the night and it isn’t because I’m seeing other people. Two months ago, I got into a freak accident on the highway and was crushed by a large truck , the doctors that say made a revelation that I wasn’t ready for”
Melissa’s face turns from one of rage to one of equal parts intrigue and fear
“I can’t die”
Melissa looks befuddled
“I’m sorry?”
John interjects before Melissa can claim otherwise
“Look, I know that it sounds ridiculous, but I just need you to listen to me. When I got crushed by that truck the doctors realised my blood held a specific strand that allowed it to duplicate when it exits my organs, meaning my organs never lose blood flow and stops any diseases from taking root because they’re drowned out from the sheer amount of blood. When the doctors found out about this I was referred to a secret agency and was enlisted to help fight crime and stop different organisations across the world from wiping out civilisation as a whole”
Melissa has stopped crying and composes herself
“Wow. Honestly, I had no idea”
John shares a sigh of relief , before Melissa continues speaking
“That you thought I was such an absolute moron!”
John looks equally as confused as Melissa was
“Seriously! You’ve been sneaking out every night and not coming back until the morning, do you honestly expect me to believe that the reason you’ve been doing this is because youre a superhero? And I thought i was loopy!. If you had been completely honest with me and just admitted you’d been sleeping with your secretary Dianne , then I would have been the slightest bit more understanding. I see the way you look at her when she walks past. Not only have you lied to me about being happy with me, you also tried to convince me that you were some sort of genetic freak!”
John looks concerned, but in an expected way, as if he knew this was going to happen
“John, just face it , not only are you a cheater, but you’re also patheitc.”
John stands up and faces Melissa without an emotion on his face, he walks over to a block of knives on the kitchen counter , takes out the finest and sharpest blade in the block , one with a red label around it
Melissa begins to frantically walk backwards as she tries to escape for the door before realising the door is locked. Melissa begins to cry and plead with John
“No, j-Jjj-John , whatever it is you’re about to do, it isn’t worth it, i promise.”
John walks with intent towards Melissa, he brings the knife close towards the chest of Melissa. John twists the knife in the opposite direction towards his chest, and then sends the knife plummeting into his own chest.
John winces and falls to the floor, before Melissa lets out a shriek that rings through the street like a banshee , as if she was the one who had just been stabbed.
Melissa falls to the floor and bursts into tears again , before a pale John stares directly in Melissa’s watery and now bloodshot eyes and rips the knife back out from his stomach. Blood flies across the floor of the kitchen , leading Melissa to scream again . As Melissa scans the floor in its crimson colour , the blood begins to dry up and lose its colour, as it evaporates into the air and turns into smoke. Melissa gasps as she sees the hole that once held a large knife in John’s chest seal itself back up and replenish the blood flow in John’s chest , as Johns face returns to its normal shade as he stands up, puts the knife back into the block , and wraps his arms around a teary eyed Melissa
“I’m sorry this is how you found out”