Write a free verse poem from the voice of someone who feels resentful.
Free verse poetry does not have a structured rhyme scheme, can have lines of irregular length, and does not have to keep to a regular meter.
When someone asks me
What sport I play
I respond with Swimming
But I wish I didn’t
I don’t enjoy it
But you do
You swam when you were in high school
And you want me to do the same
When you’re working away in your office
Hidden away from the world
I never see you now
But only when I do swim
You come out to the light
Telling me what do to
Spending time with me at meets
Driving me to practice
The only time we talk
Is on the way to swim
You tell me to make my own choices
But if I told you I wanted to stop you would get upset
Upset I don’t want to be like you
Upset I don’t want to swim like you did
You swam butterfly
So you make me swim butterfly
People ask me if I enjoy swimming
I say yes
But I don’t enjoy swimming
I enjoy spending time with you
I go to practice for you
Asking to skip makes you angry
So I don’t ask
I purposefully fall asleep
To get out of the sport
I tell you I feel sick
But I see your reaction
And I see your passive aggressive tone
How it’s my choice
But you wouldn’t make that decision yourself
I played basketball
Because she played it
And when I quit she was sad
I don’t want to make you sad
I want to spend time with you
I want to see you more
But I know I can’t because you’re always away
Either in another country or downstairs until 4am
Working on a contract that’s due tomorrow
Then another one
Then another one
An endless cycle of work
Never being able to rest
Or see your family
I want to spend time with you
And I can with swimming
But I don’t want to swim
If I leave my sport I leave time with you
My heart isn’t aligned with the sport
I don’t have a killer instinct to swim faster
But I’ll try to tolerate it
If it means time with you