
“I didn’t think about that.” Izara said to Einar, her brother. She knew she messed up. She’d been used, but it wasn’t her fault. She swore it wasn’t.

“You don’t think about anything!” He said.

“I know.” She grew up with people constantly telling her that her opinion wasn’t important. That she was only here to produce an heir for her future husband. She was told not to have thoughts.

She’d believed it. She thought that she didn’t need her thoughts. She needed to sit still and look pretty. But then he had showed up.

Who is he? Eros, the god of love. He had flirted with her and made her charmed. He used his looks and words to make her believe she was doing the right thing by stealing thousands of dollars from her family.

Once he had the money, he left. What was his intentions? To get revenge on her family for nothing. He was evil. Cruel. Useless.

Einar shoved her into her room. “Your banishment is tomorrow. Enjoy your last night here, little sister.” He said. Then the door was shut on Izara.

She ran to her bed and started sobbing. She couldn’t believe it. She was being thrown away like a used hankerchief. She was being taken from the only family she had ever known. She wasn’t taken pity on. She was being kicked out.

Izara slowly stood up. She made her way to her window and got to her knees. She prayed the words her grandmother, the witch if outcasts, had taught.

“Blood and ash,

Frozen in stash,

Cold and harsh,

Through the marsh,

Let the blood of my ancestors flow through pain in me,

Let my family fail in horrible ways for all to see,

Let those people die in horrible ways,

Let them all be cursed througout their broken days.”

She let her words flow into the floor around her. She begged that her words would be heard by the opposer of the gods, the killer of the innocent, the bloodied battle man. Talon.

Izara thought for a second about how much she knew about him. He used to be a god, but he tried to overthrow Zeus. He was sent to the Underworld, where he killed Hades and stole his powers. He then declared himself king and has taken a liking to all outcasts and the shunned. Her grandmother was one of his most devout followers.

Was she really doing this? She should’ve thought it through, but she didn’t. She was angry this time. She wanted revenge on her family and that stupid god Eros. She would get it.

Suddenly, the ground rumbled. All candles in her room went out. A cold wind blew in. Izara was knocked back against her bed. He was here.

Talon was handsome and his entire aura screamed power. His black hair was ruffled, his gray skin glowed, and his black eyes screamed of pain and torment. He seemed like a killer. His mouth was covered and he wore an assassin’s outfit. He was a demon. He was perfect.

“Who are you?” He asked.

Izars stood and straightened her dress. “My name is Izara Nightblood.” Not a full lie. She was partly Nightblood. Her grandmother was a Nightblood. Her mother had the blood. So did she. “My grandmother was one of your followers. She told me that you like revenge and outcasts.”

Talon eyed her up. He scanned over her. He seemed to study every curve and intention. He stared into the very depths of her soul. She felt bare and nervous under his gaze. She didn’t like it.

“You’re heartbroken… and being thrown out of you home. Betrayed.” He said.


“You want revenge.”

Izara nodded.

“Why should I help you?”

“Because you’ve never gotten your revenge on the gods for banishing you.”

Talon was taken aback. “Why do you want to get revenge on the gods?”

She smirked. “Eros used me.”

Sympathy passed in his eyes. He put a hand on her shoulder. “I remember your grandmother. I will help you, but it will cost you.”

“What’s your price?” She didn’t need to think anymore. She had nothing to lose.

“You will join me in the Underworld.”

Izara was taken aback. “Why?”

“I can see fire in your eyes. You have spirit and passion. Those are good qualities. I believe you will be a good ally.”

“I agree.” She liked the idea of leaving this place. She would do what she had to.


Just like that, they had a deal. The two would go on to destroy the gods. They were the most feared warriors in the land. They murdered and killed. They slowly took over the world. Everyone felt their pain, but they ruled fairly.

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