Sad Books

(Can’t promise how free verse it will be 🤷‍♀️)

I read a book today

And yes I mean in it’s entirety

Started it, finished it, cried a lot along the way

I found it quite devastating

So I’m a bit of an emotional wreck

I can’t find closure

It’s my first time reading a story about the terminally ill

And I still tear up thinking about it

About what he gave up

“Five feet apart” wasn’t enough

He wanted her to live

Because he knows he won’t have as long

God, the first girl he ever loved?

Someone he could never touch out of fear he might hurt her?

And after months, eight to be exact, a random meeting at an airport

Still not close enough to make contact

But he saw how healthy she looked

The new lungs were doing her good

Lungs he would never get

Time he didn’t have

But she closed a foot of the gap

Standing there, five feet apart again,

Maybe their love rekindled,

Maybe they traveled the world together,

But I wouldn’t know,

That’s where the story ends

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