Turn it off!

What if walking down the street we could see each other’s pain?

We could read each other’s thoughts? Of The ones we know and the ones we don’t. Imagine if empathy would ensue, or anger? If we could read each other’s thoughts would there be more peace, or less?

For those we know we want transparency, but rarely do we get it. In intimate relationships I think reading minds could cause more fights, less peace, more drama, more anger, but we would know all of them, and who they truly were. Is it worth it? To not have to question motives, because we know. But to also know that they hate it when we leave our laundry out on the floor or when we call them a certain name, or to know how they think we truly look, or act?

For those we don’t, I would like to think it would cause more empathy, more kindness, and more peace as we know what everyone is going through, because we don’t expect transparency from those with whom we aren’t intimate.

There is no way intimacy can ensure if it is forced. If you were given the opportunity to be a super hero and this was your power would you choose to turn it on? Or would you scream to turn it off?

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