In a classic body swap scenario, you wake up as a famous philosopher, about to give a grand speech on the meaning of life to thousands of people.

What will you tell them?

Bear-fully Solemn On The Great Divide

I crawl onto the podium, looking to resolve the biggest issue, and finally separate the two ideas that everyone has intertwined. If society continues in the same route they have been trekking, everything will be torn apart, I have worked diligently trying to get to the place I am and with the obvious setbacks I have, I’m surprised to be welcomed as a philosophical speaker in the first place, but here I am so they will hear my concerns. Nature is such a intricate thing, grown from the ground up with no help but the sun, the oxygen and everything surrounding it. Nature has run itself for thousands of years through ecosystems, and adapts to overcome troublesome times, you will not see society without nature, because it is our foundation of living. Alas nature is so different from society, we as a group are detrimental. We ruin everything around us and feed off of nature giving back nothing but litter and pollution. Nature works to accommodate those issues though, still fighting through everything that society does to them, but in the end if society continues down the path it’s on it will destroy both themselves and nature. And why should we destroy something so precious and intricate, for our selfish desires. We try to work like nature, but we are not adaptable creatures, we get stuck in our endless loops and habits that will one day destroy us, not nature though. It has done amazing things, kept us alive for thousands of years, and harbored such a scenic and peaceful environment. Instead of tearing down the things that run so beautifully on its own, we should strive to be as self sufficient as nature and give back to it as well. We are divided in two separate realms, society vs nature, but maybe by understanding ourselves as whole and nature as it’s on whole, we can be codependent and work towards a healthier community and healthier world. You see they might have taken this speech more seriously if it was a human giving this lecture, but I am a chimpanzee, grown from nature itself and man made by society to have language skills. And here is another example on how everything can be tainted by Mankind, instead of ruining things the earth gives to us, we should learn to cherish it.
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