As elegant as the sea The dress flows a bit past her knees Royalty, she is soon to be She met a man of ambiguity But realizing that is disloyalty
She sold her life for one thing A crown the riches all for the king Is this to selfish, too bizarre? Is it to late to go au revoir? Her brain breeds uncertainty But her heart is tainted And heavily painted
She will pretend And comprehend This fairy tail love Because she is a connoisseur of Masking intentions And he’s no exception
The things she does for greed Will supersede All of her good ways When a ring is presented Her morals will become evanescent Or so this story conveys
I crawl onto the podium, looking to resolve the biggest issue, and finally separate the two ideas that everyone has intertwined.
If society continues in the same route they have been trekking, everything will be torn apart, I have worked diligently trying to get to the place I am and with the obvious setbacks I have, I’m surprised to be welcomed as a philosophical speaker in the first place, but here I am so they will hear my concerns.
Nature is such a intricate thing, grown from the ground up with no help but the sun, the oxygen and everything surrounding it.
Nature has run itself for thousands of years through ecosystems, and adapts to overcome troublesome times, you will not see society without nature, because it is our foundation of living.
Alas nature is so different from society, we as a group are detrimental. We ruin everything around us and feed off of nature giving back nothing but litter and pollution.
Nature works to accommodate those issues though, still fighting through everything that society does to them, but in the end if society continues down the path it’s on it will destroy both themselves and nature.
And why should we destroy something so precious and intricate, for our selfish desires.
We try to work like nature, but we are not adaptable creatures, we get stuck in our endless loops and habits that will one day destroy us, not nature though.
It has done amazing things, kept us alive for thousands of years, and harbored such a scenic and peaceful environment.
Instead of tearing down the things that run so beautifully on its own, we should strive to be as self sufficient as nature and give back to it as well.
We are divided in two separate realms, society vs nature, but maybe by understanding ourselves as whole and nature as it’s on whole, we can be codependent and work towards a healthier community and healthier world.
You see they might have taken this speech more seriously if it was a human giving this lecture, but I am a chimpanzee, grown from nature itself and man made by society to have language skills. And here is another example on how everything can be tainted by Mankind, instead of ruining things the earth gives to us, we should learn to cherish it.
I’m in what would have been the old town of buffalo I assume, we just dug up a metaly sign with a green sign that said gremlin street, we also saw the welcome to buffalo sign with chipped paint knocked over onto the floor.
It’s surreal to think about what this place would have looked like if a hurricane hadn’t stormed through. Nobody ever thought a hurricane would have hit buffalo, but when the wind started knocking buildings over and leaving behind chaos, nobody questioned it at the time.
Most of the remaining buildings are filled with flora and fauna, it’s quite beautiful, the remains, we had all the warnings with climate change, but no one listened.
The population is around 1000, we have groups of 20, excavating what we can to build new cities to expand the population, and hopefully rebuild to strive with nature, and not feed it to be our greatest enemy.
After the great hurricanes, that not only hit buffalo, but the entire worlds, it wiped the world of everyone except for two people and we believe that to be the second wave of the arc of Noah, so here we are building from the bottom 500 years after the hurricanes.
We aren’t finding a lot of resources, but we found a few plants up and running for supplies.
Hopefully on this new era of Mankind, we work to build the world up, not take it down with us, because I don’t think the earth nor mankind can handle another downfall, this might be our last chance.
“I think I just met the happiest person in the world!”
Her ambiance was enlightening, I was drawn to every aspect of her existence, from the gooey crimson hair to the lighthearted way she carried herself, I couldn’t help but to walk up and say hello.
She was very polite but withdrawn, a lot to her personality that you can’t nail off the bat but I sure tried to.
I had seen her around the college campus but never actually met her until this day, today I just couldn’t help the nagging that compelled me to approach her.
She was gracious enough to sit at a coffee shop with me as we got to know each other, she ordered a peppermint cold latte, seems fitting for such a put together girl.
We sat around the table sipping and casual talking for hours, and it wasn’t enough, everything about this girl was intriguing including her indulging time on me.
When it was time to leave I hugged her, didn’t get any ways to contact her because in my heart I forever know that she was too bright for my storm.
But I will forever know her as the girl who shined, the sunshine rays that she cascaded onto my day, forever in reach, but never to grasp, that shine invaluable and ungraspable. I strive to be like her one day, but that is an endeavor I have not embarked on yet.
I walk into the classroom, words circling my head as the feelings I had let build up, consume me.
I knew I liked this guy, I have for years every time we were in the same classes, or when I danced with him at the freshman prom because he was lonesome, so many connections have been made, yet I was so afraid to act.
He was at the end of a long ending relationship, it was crumbling to pieces and at this point there was no salvation, shitty of me to want my best friends man right, or so I thought so.
I sit down against the bookshelf and my friend approaches me about the topic, she knows the state of mind I was in and the fact that I was talking to a much older man, who was not right for me.
She asks me, “between the two, who do you actually love”
The response rolled off my tongue in seconds as I dawdle on about how this kid I’ve know for years was my flame, the person I felt connected to more than anything.
I would fight for him, be there for him, and generally and wholeheartedly worship him.
She advises me to let him know, before it’s too late, and as a great mentor advises, a great pupil follows.
At the end of the day I approach near the trees and without any warning blurts “it’s pretty fucking obvious that I like you right?”
And as eerie as it felt, time stops as I wait for my answer , my heart pacing, and my brain lecturing me about how there was much better ways to go about it.
What he quipped, tore me a bit, “ I like you a lot but there’s someone else”
There’s always someone else, turns out it was the friend who told me to confess. Nevertheless I hope their happy, that’s all I ever wanted for him, and one day I hope that’s what he wants for me.
I look around me, the luminescent flames, huddled of people crying all around me, their tears hitting the pavement and it’s the events that brought me here that make me regret ever dragging myself out of my bed. I should have stayed home, trusted my gut instinct that engulfed me as soon as I woke up, but alas I didn’t, hence the shit-show in front of me.
The middle of the reunion wasn’t so bad, but that’s about it. The beginning was so bland and akward as I got to know familiar faces, the end was a flaming disaster, but the normalcy I craved so bad was explicit in the middle of it.
I was just getting to talk to my mother, for the first time in years after the fight that tore our family to shambles for years. Just as I felt hope in my horizon, it fell through my fingers like sand when my dad had arrived.
There was a cold look to his eyes, the same ones that haunted my dreams, I was preparing for another showdown, but that’s not where today took it’s wicked turn, that started concocting earlier in the day.
Unbeknownst to all, my family’s relatives were planning on fireworks, they were laying in a tote and at the moment I was talking to my father a kid was playing in the tote.
About 5 minutes later we heard a boom and a kid hysterically crying.
I roll out of my bed and click off my alarm, I don’t think I’ll go to that reunion, I think as I click off my alarm clock and go right back to bed, contemplating the monstrosity of the dream I just had.