Inspired by Amber A
Use the metaphor of a fuse being lit and its impending explosion to represent a mental eruption of a strong emotion.
Consider how you will develop this metaphor with strong visual and emotional representation.
Tick Tock
Tick Tock goes the clock
Another minute my Alexa displays
Tick Tock my thoughts
Go bye just like a millisecond
Tick Tock one minute passed
It's eleven o clock
Early to rise dread the sun
Up in the early hours
Yet my brain runs every thought every minute
need my sleep
Still awake
Tick tock
Thoughts keep running
Close my eyes then readjust
Peek ones more it's
Still can't sleep
Early I rise
The snooze button puts up a battle tired body begging me to stay under the warm covers yet my feet hit the ground
Still tired
Need to get up early
Just rambling now sorry
Anyone else can't sleep??
So bloody tired yet I can't sleep -____-