The Puzzle Of Humanity
Every being has things
That it likes
That is needs
That it hates
Just finding these things out
Can bring you closer
To figuring out the
Puzzle of Humanity
“Why does one act this way?”
You only need to dig
To find the peices
That they have hidden below the surface
Some are larger puzzles
Than others
But it all comes down to
Puzzle Master
“Why does one have so many layers?”
Why do humans have to be
So worrisome
“Why can’t we be just one click?”
Why not just one peice
To find out the difference between
Good and Evil men?
My brain throbs
It hurts
To many puzzles
To many lies
Why can’t it be easy?
Why can’t it just make sense?
Oh! Why?!
The Puzzle of Humanity lies before me
I have to find the answer
The single
**(My mother calls me strange, when I stare into a room full of people. Eyes cast down, for fear of staring into the eyes of the predators. The predators waiting to destroy me. I can’t look these creatures in their eyes. I can’t. ****_It hurts_****. Why can’t there be one simple thing in the world?)**
Thank you for reading. Good day.