I Love You Lilla.- Love Bug

I’m doing the right thing by leaving her. She deserves better than me. She deserves a man who loves her and only her. Who doesn’t go home to lie in bed with another woman. A man who doesn’t make her question her morals every day. I want to be that man but I can’t, it’s too much and I’m too overwhelmed. I love her with my heart and soul and I would do anything, even die for her. Which is why I have to leave. I can’t just end things with her and move on. She’ll never let me and I’ll never let myself. We share a cosmic connection. An undying unconditional love, but love should have conditions. I know I’m holding her back from the life she dreams of and we are so madly obsessed with each other she’d never leave me on her own. I promised her so many things, many of which I’ve also promised to some else. I can’t bare to watch either of their hearts break for me. So, I’m doing what it takes to end everything for good this time. I know she’ll cry and scream and be hurt and unbelievably heartbroken for a long time, but I also know she is strong. She’ll pick herself back up and find the man I couldn’t be. Or wouldn’t be. After all the pain goes away she’ll go back to being the woman I fell in love with. She’ll smile and laugh again and see the world joyfully and lovingly again, and she’ll share that gift with a man worthy of feeling her passion and intensity.

My love, I promise there is another man out there that will set your soul on fire and I’ll quietly fade into a heart warming memory, and every now and then when you have a bad day you’ll shed a tear for me and he’ll come wipe it off your beautiful cheek.

Please know I love you now and forever, in this life and the next. I always meant everything I ever said to you and I truly feel this is the only way you’ll ever move on from me.

I love you Lilla

-love bug

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