The Revelation

it was getting late one night when Justin was in the studio.. he was thinking of many stage names he could have. Not many worked or came to mind. He announced “I’m just gonna be Justin beiber.. jb.” But first he had to make his very first song. he heard a cry from the other room. The whole day one of his friends took their baby to the studio. Justin rolled his eyes. “No baby.” He shouted. “Baby baby baby no.” he shouted. But then he had a revelation. “That’s it.” Justin had been stumped for the whole day trying to come up with a new good idea for his new song. “Baby baby baby oh.” “Baby baby baby no.” Him and his partner sung. Soon the #1 jb walked into the room. “I am Julien baker.” She said. “You will not realise this.” She threw flour in their faces and left. She was trying to become a baker. “Justin started to cry. He liked Julien.. “ I thought you’d always be mine.” He sighed. but that was it…his new song was right under his nose. there his new song “baby.” was created.

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