If It Was You

Tracey had always been an independent soldier, but when she met Ariel, everything changed. Their meeting was love at first sight, and very quickly, they became inseparable. Ariel seemed perfect: caring, funny, smart. He brought out the best in Tracey, and for the first time in a long time, she felt truly happy.

At first everything was fine. They spent their weekends exploring the city, discovering new restaurants, and getting lost in endless conversations. Tracey felt like she was in a dream. But, after a few months, something began to change.

Ariel was becoming more and more distant. He responded to Tracey's messages less often and seemed preoccupied, even when they were together. Tracey, worried, tried to understand what was happening. She asked him if there was anything worrying him, but Ariel dodged the question, pretending to just be tired from work.

However, Ariel's bizarre behaviors increased. He began canceling their meetings at the last minute, citing impromptu meetings or family obligations. Tracey also noticed that he was receiving calls that he refused to take in front of her, always leaving the room to answer.

One evening, when Ariel was once again mysteriously absent, Tracey decided to search for answers. She contacted a few mutual friends, hoping one of them would know what was going on. But no one seemed aware of anything unusual.

One day, while alone at Ariel's house, Tracey found a strange letter on her desk. It was a correspondence between Ariel and a woman named Elena. The contents of the letter were cryptic, speaking of "missions" and "secret meetings." Tracey, her heart pounding, understood that something much more serious was at play.

Tracey decided to confront Ariel. She showed him the letter and asked for an explanation. Ariel, taken by surprise, confessed everything. He worked for a secret organization of thieves, and his bizarre behavior was due to dangerous missions involving stealing valuable items from wealthy people, reselling them, and donating the proceeds to the less fortunate.

Tracey, upset, didn't know what to think. Ariel explained that he never wanted to put her in danger and that he had tried to protect her by hiding the truth from her. But now that she knew, he had no choice but to let her go, for her own safety.

With a heavy heart, Tracey realized she had to make a choice. Stay with Ariel, knowing that their life would be full of secrets and dangers, or leave him to find a more stable existence. After a night of reflection, she decided she had to take care of herself and leave.

Although the separation was painful, Tracey did not regret her decision. She knew she deserved a life without mysteries or constant fears. And although her story with Ariel ended on a bitter note, she remained grateful for the happy times they had shared. In time, she found peace and continued to move forward, stronger and wiser.

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