Dancing Shadow

I feel the burn of eyes scolding in my back.

I turn to find no one looking.

I walk as the sun slowly descends, until I hear a familiar voice speak; “Hello Delia.”

I freeze.

I turn and look for any sign of a person, but find none.

“Hello?” I say into the empty, quiet street.

Something beside me moves and catches my eye.

My shadow dances in the sunlight…but I am not moving an inch.

“You?” I say with distaste. “What are you doing?”

My shadow laughs and throws her arms into the air.

“Well I am dancing, Delia. Don’t your ever dance in the golden light!”

Her voice was light and cheery, but it still held the same familiarity as my own voice.

“Come one, dance!” She begs again.

Looking around I make my decision.

“Fine,” I say smiling.

I grab her light hands and swing in the golden light, laughing and singing like two silly girls.

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