Create a story or poem using the quote 'Wherever there is the light, the flowers will find it'.

Black And White

(Not really sure what this is)

“Wherever there is light. . .” He whispers, his covered by dark sunglasses. I want to see his eyes. He’s never taken those sunglasses off. “The flowers will find it.”

I swallow as I keep my gaze on Lincoln’s, my eyes still wet with tears as we sit in the grass, in the shade of the single tree above us.

I’m not really sure why Lincoln’s here. He’s cool, he’s probably popular with the pretty girls. So why’s he wasting his time with me?

“I’m not a flower though,” I say. My eyes flicking to the ground.

“You’ll still find the light.”

How does he know? “I don’t think so.”

“I do.”

I meet where I think his eyes are, again. “How do you know? You don’t know what a mess I am. You don’t even know my name.” It comes out way more mad then I wanted it too. I’m not mad, just. . . I don’t really know.

Lincoln rises to his feet. “Don’t assume things.” He tells me, his voice more hurt than I’d expect a guy like his to be. “Makenzie.”

I can’t help but letting out a small gasp as he walks away. He knows my name? Who is this boy? He’s not the Lincoln Keller I’ve seen him as for the last two years. Or maybe I just never looked hard enough.

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