Suspicious Things Christy Does

I’m an insomniac. That’s why I am most productive between midnight and 2 am.

It’s quiet. I can expect no one to call or bother me. Perfect environment to concentrate. Usually at least.

My new neighbor plays very loud music. Because I have had no interactions with her to learn her name, I just call her Christy. From the party-like volume, I assumed she was a much younger, maybe twenty something woman. Instead when I caught a glimpse of her getting her mail, she looked to be mid forties.

Oh, the nickname Christy comes from the type of music. It isn’t heavy metal or even generic pop songs. The worst type of rhythmic sound in my opinion. Christian music.

That might be because I’m an atheist though.

She only turns her stereo (yes, it is actually a stereo and not a speaker) on at certain times of the night. It is always between 1 am and 4 am and consistently a thirty minute duration. Never more. Never less.

Most people would just sleep through it since they would already be asleep, but as I mentioned earlier, I don’t sleep much, and it is right next door.

At first, I assumed she might be an insomniac as well or is just really into her religion or both. As the nights went on, I’ve gotten the feeling that something else is happening.

I have three main reasons for this line of thinking if you don’t include the blasting music for only thirty minutes every night.

One, she gets a lot of visitors. You’re probably saying to yourself that ‘oh she must be a friendly person and has a lot of friends’, but she’s never friendly with neighbors. I have not heard one sentence come out of her mouth before. I don’t even know what her voice sounds like. I’ve seen her glare at other neighbors who dare try to start a conversation with her, so she can’t have this many friends.

Two, it is never the same visitor. I make it a point to look out my window when I hear her car park in her driveway. Her car is a clunky, black vehicle that makes this distinct screech when it comes to a stop. I can see who is in the passenger seat and it is never the same person.

Three, I never see any of these visitors leave.

I asked my sister what I should do, and she said it must be my sleep-deprived brain conjuring images. She is probably a nice lady.

But she doesn’t see it. I know what I’ve seen. Christy is purposely drowning out something with her Christian music.

Now I just have to prove it.


(You can like any type of music. I have nothing against Christian music 😂)

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