After being dragged to a psychic visit as a joke by a friend, your protagonist finds out something that makes them reconsider their behaviour.
“Oh come on let’s go in, besides I already paid them for this hour of the unknown” my so called friend said as he pulled me thru the
Smokey colored mysterious glass door. As we slithered slowly to the female that was sitting in front of some orange colored tapestry
that separated my life from hers my knees grew surprisingly weak. “Are you my next victim or perhaps not” she asked with a sly
Grin that could melt diamonds. My once relaxed stomach now had more knots in it than ever and I felt like passing out.
I sat in the chair that had probably had more stories of life then the local library. She this so called physic or doctor or what ever her
Title suddenly grabbed my hand and a jolt of shock went thru me. “Now you are relaxed” she said as she took out a small purple
Velvet covered box and asked me for a piece of my hair. I was not even going to argue so I just nodded my head in agreement, still
Shaking I pulled one out and waited. Her next move was to shake and roll the small box in her bony ring less fingers and mutter
A few unexplained words only she could know. “You are going to come into some ancient artifacts and they will do you no good.
My Aunt and Uncle collected old statues and other stuff we used to see in National geographic magazines. We as kids didn’t pay
Attention to what they stored in the attic and basement in boxes left unopened. The woman pulled out of her shabby pheasant
Blouse a wrinkled note of some sort and handed it to me. “Take this note and bring it to the warehouse down by the docks by
Midnight and my thug will meet you there and if you don’t show up he will find you”. “Now off with you I have others waiting
For their dish of fate” she cackled to me as I stumbled out finally letting my breath out. Midnight didn’t come soon enough as
My heart rate didn’t slow down at all in anticipation of the night. As predicted the thug was waiting for me and he was packing
A piece outlined in his greasy tightly buttonless jacket. Once again my knees were shaking and the words couldn’t come out
As I wanted them to. “Come with me” he said as he pushed me into the warehouse door and slammed it shut. “This trunk must
Not leave your sight tonite as you bring it home and do not open it no matter what” Well I am a pretty wild child and sometimes
I don’t always listen and I’ve had my share of police stations in my earlier life but I will listen or I thought. Once I got home and
Dragged this monstrosity up my front steps I tripped and fell and the old box split open on the lawn. Greenish dusty smoke
Filled the air and coughing overcame me as the content slithered out of the box and to my surprise it wasn’t old vases or
Artifacts but some type of old radio covered in dust. The dial on its face glowed fire red and as I watched in fear it turned.
A unfamiliar voice started to speak to me and at first it sounded like my parents, then grandparents and hard to believe all the
People in my life I done wrong. Bit by bit they screamed all the guilt and pain and all the other things that you were guilty of
To them being thrown at me. Even my school teachers were part of the verbal crowd as they got louder and louder making
My head feel like it was going to explode. Well I never thought my words would come true so quickly as this radio began
To grow with negativity and soon it too exploded and took me with it. The last thing I thought of as I silently screamed
Was “I’m sorry” as pieces of me mixed with metal disappeared into the universe. “I guess the thug was right don’t
Open the box or else”.