
He felt a wave of cold rush over his body, and as his senses came back he felt a subtle tingling sensation on the back of his neck. He felt as if he were weightless, suspended in empty space with no sensory stimulation whatsoever. As he blinked to regain consciousness he began to see the faint outline of a figure about two arms lengths away from him. The figure was a young girl, with dark ,long hair and deep, hazel brown eyes. As he watched her it became apparent to him that she couldn’t see him, as she only gazed into the distance without expression. All of a sudden he felt the scent of bubble bath soap, just like the one he once used in his childhood, hit him. With it the scents of his long lost stuffed animals, his old dog birdy, warm homemade cookies, and the leathery oud of his old baseball mit came too. He realized that these were not just scents, but memories relit by familiar smells. He looked deep into the face of the girl in front of him and realized that she was his dead sister.

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